Sunday, 18 April 2010

SAVE NIGERIAN RALLY.United we stand.

I believe the time for Change has come,until we stand up to our oppressors,we will remain oppressed. Nigerians and friends of Nigeria in the United Kingdom, joined in the global protests march organised by the Save Nigeria Group Nigeria, to demand the National Assembly make,Deputy Vice President,Jonathan Goodluck acting president, in the absence of President Yar Adua who has not been seen in public since November last year when he left the country on a medical trip to Saudi Arabia without notifying the house nor fully updating them since.
Following this successful protests march,around the globe,in January 2010,we now have vice president Jonathan Goodluck acting as president and heading the nation. He has since dissolved and appointed new members to his ministerial cabinet,to help shape his vision and deliver his mission for Nigeria whilst in this capacity.
He has since visited at the invite of President Barack Obama the White house and also granted CNN,chief reporter,Christiane Amanpour an interview on the programme "The power of the interview", where he emphasised that electoral reform and corruption were the two main objective for his interim administration to tackle.
This all goes to show what the power of unity can do, Nigerians, the more we unite and face our common enemy the more triumphant we will become. The struggle for a functioning Nigeria goes on.

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