Speech by Abimbola Junaid
Founder Arise Nigerian Woman Foundation
Marking International Youth Day 2012.
DATE: 12TH August 2012.
Chicken Republic
Okota Isolo.
It is another international youth day and I am
short of words on this occasion, especially when I look at the state of our
polity , it looks really gloom and pathetic; not a state in which anyone’s
precious, esteem able ,future nation builders should be learning about artful
skill of leadership and living.
No denying that many youth of today are
dissatisfied and of course, we know. We know the nation as a whole has failed
them. And they have the reason to be disgruntled at our politicians and
government, but the bulk of my talk will focus on you, youths.
As a youth what is your expected role in society,
what is your role as an individual, as a youth in general, not even as a
Nigerian youth, just as a youth? And this applies to your counterpart world
over that you jointly celebrate this day with.Our environment shapes us, but
wait a minute that could be for good form or bad right? If that is the case it
means you as a youth can still choose that that you get involved with in life.
As bad and dire as the situation of the times we live in is, so also is it the
most exciting time with the buzz and addictive nature of a world wide web. You
must know that not all youths join secret cult in, there are many who never
joined in fact, there are some youths who never maimed nor killed their fellow
human beings as a sign of manhood and for a temporal respect amongst their
peers and there are some who never even stole from another man.
Your choices will always determine whether you make
it in Life. Many of you are not preparing for your future .You are lethargic,
complacent, holding to the good excuse that the calamity that you are in, a
societal one than self prescribed. Hey, that is not good enough, that is a lame
excuse, after all you have drive, passion and determination in you, it is not
just at paying the price for a good life, we all know where your dedication
lie, in a fix -quick–way- to- an eluded- abundant -happily ever -after –life.
Let’s examine some of your beliefs and practices:
Do you even focus on studying so as to be found
diligent, or harnessing your skills and talent by maximising it? Are you
prepared for today’s market, either local or global? Would you ever consider a
job as oppose to no job at all, whether it is a humbling job, or work
opportunities like volunteering or it is the plum job at the bank or nothing
else? How many of you can and do pay a down payment of today for your future ie
learning the rudiments of life, like learning to save even in the absence of
abundance? How about your health , are you ignoring campaigns like HIV and aids
awareness and refusing to play safe by abstaining, sticking to one sexual
partner or using a condom?
Are you best
found at the local beer and pepper soup parlour, justifying it as “ drinking
away your sorrow”! But be assured and it is not a curse that that sorrow
multiplies with a weak bladder many years down the line! If you think education
is expensive try ignorance.
You are a happening boy, happening girl right? You
have the latest tech phone, you are connected to several social media forums,
but really, what information are you surfing the net for, be honest? My guess
is you surf for pornographic pages, savvy technology gadgets, get rich quick
schemes. It is every other thing but not opportunities to add to your wealth of
knowledge, your skills and output that will get you from where you are to where
you want to be. Even the westerners that you are trying to emulate pay the
price of hard work, success doesn’t come cheap and easy, but doggy success
does. You ask the likes of NICE, Dbanj, and the many celebrities you model yourself
by today! Ask even Kachi, the convener of this event.
Youthfulness is the most amazing time in
the human cycle. I wish you would believe me. You are a youth for a reason, to
explore widely, given the varied opportunities out there at your disposal. Even
working in your favour is the global village of today, everything and anything
is within your reach, If only you would see it.....................and tap into
At the end of the day it is not all gloom and doom
story, some are getting prepared despite all the negatives, and some youths are
making history, positive history as we speak, you can be one of them, get
prepared, join their train and network widely. If life gives you lemon, make
lemonade out of it, the bulk rest with you. To thy self be true.
I wish you a productive youthfulness, one which you
maximise science, technology, your innovative mind and innate skills, develop
your creativity, tap in to emerging business opportunities, agriculture and
lastly network widely with the world, all generations and of all your fellow
global youths.
Ms Abimbola Junaid is a global consultant in
Development. She is the founder of Arise NigerianWoman Foundation, an advocacy
organisation in Nigeria for the
all inclusion of today's women and girls,the elderly and the disabled in the
socio economic and political dialogue of the Nigerian society.
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